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Un crime au Chateau - Expo 3 Rouge Module 4

Un crime au Chateau - Expo 3 Rouge Module 4

A complete series of lessons based on the Crime au Chateau offered by Expo 3 Rouge Module 4. I have tweaked a couple of activities to make them fit better with my classes. They really enjoyed this type of Whodunnit type of activity.
Le futur simple

Le futur simple

An introduction to the futur simple including some irregular ones. It is mostly focused on the first person singular but it can be easily adapted. It also includes a reading comprehension activity.
Les vetements - Expo 2 Rouge Module 3

Les vetements - Expo 2 Rouge Module 3

A presentation about clothes and opinions about outfits. It includes a listening/video activity in the shape of Eastenders, and a reading comprehension about Lady Gaga's fashion faux-pas.
Es-tu en forme ? Expo 3 Vert Module 3

Es-tu en forme ? Expo 3 Vert Module 3

Based on Expo3 Vert, a series of lessons and activities on healthy lifestyle and choices. I have adapted some activities from the textbook to make them more accessible / interesting for my 'slightly challenging' group.
A la télé - Expo 2 Rouge Module 2

A la télé - Expo 2 Rouge Module 2

A complete lesson introducing 'qu'est-ce que tu as regardé a la télé'. It includes a listening activity (based on the video) and a reading activity (the PPT presentation). The plenary is a challenging, yet fun pass the parcel.
On peut

On peut

Lesson to introduce 'on peut' and 'on ne peut pas' in the context of presenting your town. In order to introduce the vocabulary, pictures and words are to be revealed using the rubber (slide 4).
Mon kit de Survie

Mon kit de Survie

A Smartboard presentation on what students would have in their survival kits. This includes new vocabulary (not just pencil case items) along with an introduction to 'avoir' in the present tense. This is ideal for 2 lessons. This can be used with Studio 1 or as a standalone resource. All the listening are home-made embedded videos (using Xtranormal). All the reading materials are included as Powerpoint presentations.
Comment je me vois

Comment je me vois

Based on Studio 1 Module 1. Introduction of personal identity and adjectival agreement with some intensifiers. It can be used with the book or as a stand-alone lesson. All videos (for the listening) are home-made and embedded.
Le role des femmes a la maison

Le role des femmes a la maison

A lesson based on the the evolution of the role of women at home and sexism in society. It includes two listening activities - Le sexisme dans les livres pour enfants and les garcons qui jouent a la poupée. Activities come from various places but have been adapted to the needs of my group. A worksheet is a support for all the activities in the presentation.
Angelina Jolie et les films

Angelina Jolie et les films

Based on Expo 3 Vert Module 1. A reading comprehension activity based on Angelina Jolie's favourite types of movies (including opinions justifications).
er verbs

er verbs

An introduction to regular -er verbs in the present tense. It includes a starter on pronouns, an explanation on the different forms for you (formal, informal, plural), the definition of a verb, the paradigm for -er verbs endings, a splat game for -er verbs in their infinitives and a couple of reading and writing practice activities.


A presentation on the verb avoir and different activities, including an interactive dice game at the end.


A presentation to learn how to tell the time in French. It also includes activities to practise.
Ca vaut le risque

Ca vaut le risque

A presentation about different healthy lifestyle issues about smoking, drugs, alcohol and eating disorder in french. It includes a couple of reading activities and speaking prompts.
iPhone 6 - La technologie est partout

iPhone 6 - La technologie est partout

A GCSE Lesson on new technologies (notebook and PPT) based on the iPhone 6 and 6Plus and authentic Apple adverts in French. It focuses on understanding authentic materials.Starter: match verbs with objects, Main: Listening (put the activities in order), adjectives match up and gap fill, Plenary: GCSE reading paper on Apple Watch. Update with links to the videos from the French Apple website.